I love J.Lee.Grady. As a self-mentored person, it's imperative that I follow and learn from great men and women of God. It doesn't mean you have to be rabid fan - it means that you recognize the gift from Holy Spirit that they are reflecting to you and heed their words.
Maybe self-mentored isn't really the proper word for it - since I do go to church and submit to my pastor, but I know that God puts people in my path (physically and digitally) who can speak to me and guide me.
Today, it's my friend (whom I have never met personally but it was easy to know his giver's heart) J.Lee Grady who is speaking into my life and yours.
And for that I am grateful to my Lord.
New Use For Old Pain
By Cynthia Ruchti Have you found a new use for old pain? It’s a biblical
principle spelled out clearly in II Corinthians 1:4. The wording can seem a
bit ...
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